About me

I am Daniel Napp and I write and illustrate children's books. If you click on the characters at the bottom of the page you can look at my books. For crafts and activities to my picture books go to the Download page. You can view my plein-air paintings on my watercolour-site. Become a follower on instagram oder like my Facebook page. Have fun reading and looking!

Short biography

  • Born 1974 in Nastätten, Rhineland-Palatinate
  • Kindergarten, school, Abitur (upper secondary school leaving certificate granting access to universities),
  • Civil service at the hospital
  • 1996–2002 Design program at MSD / Münster School of Design with a major in illustration
    I received my university diploma in spring of 2002
  • 2001–2006 Atelier Raum3 at Hawerkamp, Münster
  • Since 2006 in the studio community at Hafenstraße, Münster
  • 2015–2018 lecturer in watercolor painting at MSD.

How does one become an illustrator?

I have studied at the Faculty of Design in Münster with Professor Marcus Herrenberger. Meine ersten Aufträge waren Schulbuch-Illustrationen für den Cornelsen Verlag. Gleichzeitig illustrierte ich als Semesterprojekt mein erstes Bilderbuch »Herr Jambus und der Elefant«.

My first commissions were to illustrate school books for Cornelsen Verlag. At the same time, I illustrated my first picture book »Herr Jambus und der Elefant«. This was a semester project.

Two years later, I finally received my first commission for a children's book. The Swiss editor, Hans ten Doornkaat, sent me the story »Bauer Beck fährt weg« by Christian Tielmann. One year later, the book was published by Sauerländer VerlagIt was in the truest sense of the word a picture perfect start. This book has developed into a long seller. In addition, the following year, I was able to publish »Herr Jambus und der Elefant«.

I earned my diploma with the illustrated book »Dr. Brumm versteht das nicht«. This book was published in 2004 by Thienemann Verlagwhich has published all my own children's and picture books to this day.

My Workplace

This is the building in Münster where I and my colleagues rent the upper floor for our studio. Come by and have a look during the "open door" event.

Unsere Küche

In addition, we have a kitchen in the hallway. Here, you meet a few of my illustrator friends during coffee and cake.

Mein Atelier

Take a peek in my studio, which I share with Michael and Günther.

Mein Arbeitsplatz

And this is my workspace. However, you won't find me there that early in the morning.


I paint with watercolors, which I use straight from the tube; I mix them in a large palette. I rarely use more than five or six colors for most pictures.


I have way too many brushes, because I can't part with them. All the way in the front you see my favorite paint brush: it's a large brush made of squirrel hair (size 14) to cover huge areas.

Malen in Honfleur

Whenever I have time or during my vacation, I love to paint directly in front of the object. You can view my plein-air paintings on my watercolour-site.


Bologna Illustrators Exhibition
selected 1999, 2001, 2003, 2009

Heidelberger Leander 2014

Paderborner Hase 2008
»Schnüffelnasen an Bord«

Eule des Monats 01/2008
»Dr. Brumm will' s wissen«

Erstlesebuch des Monats 10/2009
»Dr. Brumm gibt Gas«

Kinderbuch-Couch-Star 08/2006
»Geschichten von Drache und Bär« (Illu.)

Shortlist Eulenspiegelpreis
2006 »Dr. Brumm steckt fest«
2002 »Bauer Beck fährt weg«

Buch des Monats 07/2002
Deutsche Akademie für
Kinder- und Jugendliteratur
»Bauer Beck fährt weg«

A picture book is created

Dr. Brumm

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