Short biography
- Born 1974 in Nastätten, Rhineland-Palatinate
- Kindergarten, school, Abitur (upper secondary school leaving certificate granting access to universities),
- Civil service at the hospital
- 1996–2002 Design program at MSD / Münster School of Design with a major in illustration
I received my university diploma in spring of 2002 - 2001–2006 Atelier Raum3 at Hawerkamp, Münster
- Since 2006 in the studio community at Hafenstraße, Münster
- 2015–2018 lecturer in watercolor painting at MSD.
A picture book is created

In the beginning, I draw a storyboard, a miniature version of the story. This way I maintain my overview. Do you recognize which one of my picture books this is?

It's still just an idea: an otter sits at the lake and fishes.

First, I create the character.

Then, I draw the background on a new sheet. So, my character is safe in case I have to erase something.

Both drawings are scanned. Cover closed!

Now, I can put both drawings together with an image editing software on my computer …

… and I can change them for as long as it takes until all fits together.

I print out an enlarged version of the finished image – the same size it has later in the book.

The light table enables me to transfer the printed image easily onto my art board.

However, before I start painting, I make a quick color sketch. This is kind of a final rehearsal for me.

I have made it! At 2 am, the picture is finally finished. I need about four months to complete a whole book.

Did you recognize the picture? No? Then go ahead and check out the Dr. Brumm page.